Shasta Ferranto

I am a former PhD student from the Kelly and Huntsinger labs, graduated in Summer of 2012.

Please see below a list of publications from my graduate work at U.C. Berkeley.



Ferranto, S., L. Huntsinger, C. Getz, W. Stewart, G. Nakamura, and M. Kelly. 2013. Management Without Borders? A Survey of Landowner Practices and Attitudes toward Cross-Boundary Cooperation. Society and Natural Resources 26(9): 1082-1100. 

Pleininger, T., S. Ferranto, L. Huntsinger, M. Kelly, C. Getz. 2012. Appreciation, Use, and Management of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in California's Working Landscapes. Environmental Management:1-14

Kelly, M., S. Ferranto, S. Lei, K. Ueda, L. Huntsinger. 2012. Expanding the table: The web as a tool for participatory adaptive management in California forests. Journal of Environmental Management 109: 1-11

Ferranto, S., L. Huntsinger, W. Stewart, C. Getz, G. Nakamura, and M. Kelly. 2012. Consider the Source: The impact of media and authority in outreach to forest and rangeland owners. Journal of Environmental Management 97(1): 131-140

Stewart, W. S. Ferranto, G. Nakamura, C. Getz, L. Huntsinger, M. Kelly. 2012. Subdivide or Silviculture: Choices Facing Family Forest Owners in the Redwood Region. Proceedings of coast redwood forests in a changing California: A symposium for scientists and managers. GTR-PSW-238 

Ferranto, S., L. Huntsinger, C. Getz, G. Nakamura, W. Stewart, S. Drill, Y. Valachovic, M. DeLasaux and M. Kelly. 2011. Forest and rangeland owners value land for natural amenities, and as financial investment. California Agriculture 65(4): 184-191