Jenny Palomino

I am a 5th year Ph.D. candidate, specializing in the development of geospatial tools for environmental and ecological research. I spend much of my time writing scripts to geoprocess spatial data in Python and R as well as administering PostgreSQL databases (with and without PostGIS).

My dissertation focuses on understanding how landscapes within National Park Service (NPS) units in the Pacific West Region are influenced by surrounding areas. There are many spatial datasets critical to understanding these dynamics, including access (e.g., roads and trails entering park units), adjacent landownership and land use (e.g., public/private, size), adjacent population dynamics and social-economic characteristics, and biogeographic characteristics of the parks.

In addition to my dissertation research, I co-organized and co-instructed a 3-day Spatial Data Science Bootcamp in May 2015 focused on open source and web-based technologies for geospatial professionals, in collaboration with the Geospatial Innovation Facility and International and Executive Programs at UC Berkeley.  Please see the Spatial Data Science program website for more details and to apply for future sessions. 

Materials for additional workshops that I have taught recently:

Spatial Data Analysis in Python: PySAL and Rasterio Workshop (updated for FOSS4G NA 2015 Conference)  (Installation Guide - assumes installation of Python 2.7)

Spatial Data Analysis with ArcPy (assumes installation of ArcGIS 10.2)

Example of Dissertation Datasets