GradFest! Shufei, Miriam, Ellen and Melissa are giving talks today

It's Grad Fest time!
Four grads with connections to the lab are giving finishing talks today. Two students who have been in and around the lab for some time are talking:
Ellen Kersten “From Assessment to Action: The Use and Abuse of Data to Promote Health Equity”
Melissa Eitzel “Synthesizing Multiple Data Sources to Understand the Population and Community Ecology of California Trees”
As well as two lab members:
Shufei Lei “Mapping Webs of Information, Conversation, and Social Connections: Evaluating the Mechanics of Collaborative Adaptive Management in the Sierra Nevada Forests”
Miriam Tsalyuk “The Effect of Landscape Parameters on African Elephants (Loxodonta africana) Movement Decisions”
Congrats to all of them!