New postdoc coming in September: Alice Kelly
Alice, former ESPM grad, is a NSF SEES Postdoctoral Fellow working in collaboration with Maggi Kelly and the National Park Service’s Pacific West Regional Staff. Alice seeks to use historical and contemporary data to understand the spatial distribution of resource related (e.g. poaching) and non-resource related (e.g. murder) crime in the Pacific West’s national parks and monuments. Using a political ecology approach, Alice also seeks to understand the biophysical, social, and political economic drivers and impacts of crime in these areas. Alice hopes that understanding not only where crime occurs, but also the structural reasons why crime occurs on National Park Service lands will allow natural resource managers to identify and address the root causes of these crimes. She also hopes that this study will allow National Park Service Staff to be better able to predict where crimes will happen and why, allowing them to target their crime prevention and law enforcement resources.
Welcome Alice!