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Fall 2015 New Additions

This fall we welcome two new people to the lab.

Marcelo Bueno de Abreu, a doctoral student from the Geography Department at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil will be joining us later in the semester for a one year period. He has been awarded a Science Without Borders Scholarship to work with object-based image analysis of Brazilian and Californian landscapes. 

Christine Wilkinson will be joining us as a PhD student. She comes to us from the Cal Academy, and has research and management experience in East Africa. She is interested in using an integrated approach to human-wildlife conflict analysis, including spatial analyses, behavioral ecology, and stakeholder input, to determine best practices for community-based human-wildlife conflict mitigation in wildlife dispersal areas in East Africa.  Christine is also part of the first cohort of students in the new NSF-funded project on campus Data Science for the 21st Century: Environment and Society (DS421).