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Congratulations to Kelly!

Kelly was recently awarded a graduate fellowship with the UC-wide Institute for the Study of Ecological Effects of Climate Impacts (ISEECI). ISSEC serves as a platform for synthesizing past, current, and future environmental change research and for understanding and potentially mitigating future climate impacts. The institute leverages the UC Natural Reserve System as a biologically and geographically diverse laboratory to study the effects of climate change on California ecosystems. Kelly’s research will utilize the VTM collection of maps, plots, and photographs to address a key ISECCI aim of assembling historical records in and around NRS sites to assess ecosystem-wide impacts of climate change. Her work will focus on:

1. The utility of resurveying historical plots to understand change over time.

2. The role of differing management on the structure and composition of California forests.

3. The role of climate water deficit in controlling patterns of fire extent, severity, and regeneration in California forest.