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Star Wars

The US is set to shoot down a broken spy satellite. This all follows last year's action by China, which fired a missile at one of its old weather satellite. The destruction of the Chinese satellite produced about 28% of the debris that is now in orbit, which poses a major threat to functioning satellites. In contrast the US plans to destroy their satellite as it reenters the atmosphere, allowing the fragments to burn up on their descent. Satellites leaving orbit and entering the earth's atmosphere is not uncommon, but military officials say that this case is being given special consideration due to hazardous materials on board.

Reader Comments (6)

I actually wrote about the Chinese ASAT launch last year, because it made me wonder what would happen if everyone destroyed everyone else's satellites: Don't forget about those lasers!

February 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKen-ichi

I have no problems with what we are doing or planning on doing in space. Where ever a nation has assests or an interest, the military follows close behind. It's a natural extension of the battlefield.

We must be doing something "right". The Chinese and Russians seem to be worried. Why else would they push the space weapon ban treaty.

Two things come to mind. Either we have something very well established or soon to be established.

Or they want to tie our hands, at least with a piece of paper. Whether the intent is to slow us down or shut us down for a period of time.


February 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKoS
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