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geospatial matters

Please read the UC Berkeley Computer Use Policy. Only members can post comments on this blog.


Dynamic GRASS map and PHP

Here's a small demo of PHP displaying a dynamically rendered GRASS map. The script just makes GRASS shell commands, and GRASS renders a PNG to a web-readable directory. I don't really understand the GRASS stuff, but the PHP looks dead simple. Tim, if the GRASS commands look relatively simple to you, maybe we could try this with a simple SOD model some time in the unspecified future.


Mailinator Spam Map

From Slashdot, the Mailinator Spam Map. Essentially, this mail server geocodes the IP addresses of all the spam it gets, and then plots them on a Google map. Pretty cool, but geocoding IPs is imprecise. At best it would give you the nearest big city, and at worst, it would tell you that you are in Brunswick, Georgia, when in fact you are sitting in an apartment in Rockridge. See their geocoder to see what I mean.


FOSS development brainstorming

There's an interesting discussion going on over on the OPENNR list regarding development of an open source image analysis package, in case anyone's feeling particularly nerdy today.


More Cool Earth Imagery

These are two of my favorite sites for earth imagery (besides Google Earth of course). Earth as Art is a USGS project, some of you have selected posters up already, and they keep adding more; Earth from Above showcases photography by Yann Arthus-Bertrand. The site is kind of slow and fussy, with some cheese music, but the photography is lovely.


More Katrina imagery

Google Maps also has before and after imagery of New Orleans. Their coverage isn't complete, but it's a bit higher resolution.


Before and after Katrina

Here's an interesting before and after shot of New Orleans.


The Kelly Lab Blog

Hi all. This is the first post on the Kelly Lab Blog. You all know what a blog is, right? Short for 'web log,' sort of the bastard child of diaries, forums, bathroom walls, and newsletters. Our blog is for posting news and links about GIS, remote sensing, ecology, web mapping, or anything you think the rest of the lab might be interested in. You can post by going to For those of you that don't know any HTML, you can link text like this: <a href="">linked text</a> which creates linked text or you can select the text and use the handy dandy link button above the text area. Anyway, if anyone has any feature requests or wants to to use a different theme (or develop and theme, or modify a theme), please let me know.

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